
42D1303D-2CC8-447E-B14C-3D5372BD0AF0.jpegPolice sirens and helicopters woke me last night, or rather they woke the puppy so I took her outside for wees and poos. I considered the possibility that someone might jump into our yard from next door, like on Good Friday, fleeing the cops, but reassured myself that this sounded more like a car chase.

It was 12.30.

I’m pretty sure the puppy went to the toilet.

It took me an hour to get back to sleep.

Cracking thunder woke me at 5.30, or rather, woke the puppy, so I took her outside but she was terrified.  Now she’s in my daughter’s dad’s bed while I sit in the lounge with this non-plussed cat on my lap, catching up on Facebook articles I’ve saved during the week.

It’s still dark outside.

I can hear crows.

Distant thunder.

Other morning birds.

I am blessed x

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